9STAR’s Elastic SSO secure access cloud solution is currently being featured on the Amazon Web Services Marketplace homepage. Look under the New Product Spotlight section.

Customers can use Amazon’s 1-Click to purchase, provision, setup and manage their Elastic SSO instances in any of Amazon’s cloud datacenters around the world.

In addition, customers love the fact that they have the freedom to choose the location/region where their Elastic SSO Identity Provider cloud instance is hosted. This is the same location where the associated user identity data will also be stored/hosted. This is important, because this unique capability of Elastic SSO helps customers comply with local/regional data and privacy laws and regulations.

Using Elastic SSO, customers also have the freedom to choose who will manage their SSO instance and the associated data. They can choose to manage it themselves, or have it be managed by their trusted third party managed service provider or have 9STAR manage it.

Customers therefore are signing up in large numbers for Elastic SSO on the Amazon AWS marketplace. And we thank our Amazon AWS Partner Team for recognizing the potential of our Elastic SSO Team Edition cloud solution.

Check out the Amazon AWS Marketplace homepage at http://aws.amazon.com/marketplace.

Sign-Up for the Elastic SSO FREE Tier (5 Users, Unlimited Apps and Federations) at the AWS Marketplace.

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